Second families.

A lot of people probably have a group that they consider their 'second family.' I know this may seem totally weird to most people, but those of you who understand me- thank you. It means so much to me.

For me, that second family is my marching band at school. I've been with these same people for three years now- of course, the people who graduate and the freshman who come in, too- and i've just formed such a special bond with all these them. I can be my complete and total self around each and every one of them, and feel completely comfortable doing so. We're a small group of only about 50, but we're tight-knit, so we're content with being a small band. I can't even begin to describe the feeling that you experience when you march off of the football field, knowing that you all did your best; it's simply amazing. I love the long bus rides, the football games, the competitions- the good times. I know that we have our bad times, too, but we all pull together and overcome them. For us to be a band that's been through 4 different directors in the past 3 years, we are incredibly strong; I don't care what anyone says. The fact that we begin marching season in the hottest days of summer and end in the coldest days of winter is amazing to me. Between water balloon fights at band camp, to giant huddles of people at competitions during the winter just to stay warm, to changing on a moving bus infront of each other, we've experienced it all. I can't even fathom what my life would be like if I hadn't met all of these wonderful, amazing, fantastic people; all of them have truly made a huge impact in my life. I don't even want imagine about how hard it'll be to graduate next year and have to leave all of this, because the thought of it now brings me to tears. I've made an especially strong bond with the trombone section- which is what I play- and I probably love them more than anyone else in this world. All three of them are such great people; they never fail to make me smile. I truly don't know what i'd do without them, and I honestly don't think that I CAN imagine my life without any of my fellow band members.

I guess i'll always be a band geek at heart<3
September 11th, 2010 at 06:33am