SUCH a great inspiration. <3

I have a friend. I met her a little over a year ago.No, I have not met her in person. She lives about an hour away from me, but all of the concerts around our area, only one of us were ever able to make it to. We met through a love of a band named WOW. She loves to dance. That is her main passion in life. But there is something that makes her different from all of the other dancers I know, and most other dancers in the world. She is about...4'5"??? If even THAT tall. As I said, I have never met her in person, So i'm not sure exactly how tall she is. I'd love if you guys could check out these two videos of her dancing. (and please leave her a comment, and pass on her videos too) She inspires me. She doesn't let her height or anything else stand in her way. SUCH a great inpsiration. Her parents want her to stop dancing and to focus on college. She doesn't want to stop. I think she is too good, and too much of an inspiration to stop. If her family sees that, they may not force her to quit. Please help her live her dreams?
September 11th, 2010 at 07:19am