Anyone have a hobo story they would like to share?

Because I have one...It's not my story though. It's my science teachers' story. I thought it would be fun to tell you his (since I don't have one) just to maybe get a smile or giggle out of you to start off the journal =)

He told the class this one yesterday and I have no idea how we went from talking about the elements on the periodic table to stories about hobos. He said that one night he got food poisoning and he was on vacation or something somewhere. For some reason he walked to a store and bought a bag of chips (nobody knows why) so he's walking back to his hotel he's staying at and to walk back he had to go through somewhere and apparently a lot of hobos sleep there. He was passing this bench and little did he know that there was a hobo sleeping behind that bench. Now at the time it's pretty late at night..meaning it's dark...lets just say as he was passing that bench he had to throw up...

Poor hobo, If only he slept on the bench. Instead of behind it.

Suddenly all the trash around the hobo starts moving and my teachers is terrified so what does he do? Throws up again..all over the hobo. Since the hobo had woken up to witness this beautiful technicolor yawn the hobo definitely said somethings. Which made my teacher run as fast as a person with food poisoning could.

And that concludes this story.

Anyway I'm extremely excited because my english teacher gave the class a project!! When I told one of my friends that she looked at me like I was crazy but I told her that there is a meaning behind that makes me happy.

Lately I have been a little upset that I never get to just sit down and write anymore. I have been having such little free time to write and I haven't written ANYTHING in over two months. I have even been thinking of changing my username to so little time but I didn't becasue I promised myself I would stick with this one for more than a few months.

So for my project I have to write my very own short story!! About anything I want! When my teacher told us about the project my whole class groaned but I was secretly jumping for joy! I have never been so happy to get a project. At first I was thinking I could just use a short story I have already written but I realized this might be the last time I'll get to sit down and write something for a little while. I'm still not sure what it's going to be about but whatever it is I'll probably post it on mibba so I can get your opinion on it.

I haven't forgotten it is the nine year anniversary of 9/11 and if any of you have a family member or friend that died in the incident, I hope you know that they are still with you.
September 11th, 2010 at 03:12pm