Uhhh.. Story, Banners and enthusiasm.... I think?

Uuh... So I have this story and it's been subscribed once. And it's only had eight readers. So I've been reading it over and over trying to figure out what's wrong with it but I can't find anything. So I've decided to go on a week hiatus. Other than that, I've become fascinated with the fact that we can put banners on our stories her, the biggest downside ever is that I can't make one to save my life and on top of that I don't think that you can make them from your iPod, which is where I post from all the time because my moms to cheap to buy a new computer. And since my other story is on hiatus I really want to put out one of those simple stories with a really quiet yet heart breakingly meaningful romances and I want a pretty banner to go with it but I don't know how to make one.

So if anyone knows how to make one or... *whispers* is willing to make one for me *winkwinknudgenudge I would be pleased with a personal message with the instructions. Or something...

Thank you for puttin up this long. (if you are still reading)
September 11th, 2010 at 07:23pm