1. Hypocrisy

This is going to be the first of a slew of journals I'm going to write.
You are free to disagree, agree, and to say whatever you want in response to these journals. You are also free to not reply if you wish to.
In these journals I am not commanding you to do anything. This is a free country, after all.

In this one, as the title says, I'm going to talk about hypocrisy.

So, what about Hypocrisy? As far as I know, the truth is, Everyone is a Hypocrite. Every single human being on this earth is a hypocrite, in one degree or another.
Anyone who claims he or she isn't one is claiming that he or she is perfect.

Why is this? Everyone has morals, beliefs. Has not everyone done something wrong, and felt guilty about anything they have done? It's easy to talk: 'Oh, you should do [this], it's the right thing to do,' etc, etc, etc.
and if we feel guilty about something, it's because we believe it's wrong, and when we say it's bad, well, does that not make all of us hypocrites?
I'm not accusing everyone a hypocrite here. It may sound like it, but I'm just pointing it out.

See, you have to be the one to acknowledge that you yourself is a hypocrite. That's the hard part, when you fully and truthfully acknowledge that you yourself is one. But do you truly mean it? Anyone can say anything and have it be a lie.

I'm a hypocrite. I even say so in many of my conversations. It actually took me a while to realize this. Admitting that you did something wrong is not easy to do; we all would like to avoid punishment, and sometimes even place the blame on others when it is rightfully yours.

The point is, everyone is a hypocrite. You walk into, let's say, a church on sunday. What do you see? A pastor, or someone addressing the people with a message, usually what they should and shouldn't do. Does that make him, the pastor, perfect? No! He/she makes mistakes too, and will sometimes, intentionally or unintentionally, will do something he believes wrong.

The point is, noone is perfect.

The main reason I choose to talk about hypocrisy first is because in my later journals, I may say a lot of things I may disagree or point out, but that doesn't mean that I'm perfect, that I have not or never will do what I point out in later journals.
September 13th, 2010 at 03:40am