Too Cool

So maybe it's just me, but I'm getting really sick of seeing teenagers act like they're too cool for stuff. I mean, there's a certain amount of respect that everyone deserves to be given, regardless of the situation or circumstances, and when kids my age act disrespectful because they think they're hot shit, it honestly makes me ashamed of my own generation. I feel obligated to compensate for their lack of respect to other adults, and I shouldn't have to feel that way.

I'm saying this because recently I've observed certain classmates of mine exhibiting totally disrespectful and childish behavior. Actually scratch that childish part, at least children are taught in elementary school to respect others. I don't know what happens when puberty hits, but it's like teenagers digress because (and I know I'm overusing this phrase) they're "too cool." A couple 9th graders in my school actually had the audacity to ask one of the nicest teachers in the school if he was gay. And I mean clearly he is, but you don't just SAY THAT. It's not only rude, but it's a completely inappropriate question to ask a teacher. I also noticed that in my AP Psychology class one girl had not one, but TWO headphones in her ears WHILE the teacher was giving his lecture. It would be one thing to get away with this in a lecture hall of like 40 students, but ours is a class of 9. Plus, this teacher is a really nice and lenient guy, and this student was completely taking advantage of that and being quite rude. Finally, I noticed some little twerp 7th grader back-talking one of the toughest teachers in my school. She was flat out rude. To a teacher. It's one thing to talk that way to a little brother, and maybe in rare cases a good friend, but to speak in that tone to any adult is completely disrespectful.

I know I may seem like a total goody-goody right now, but trust me I'm not. I honestly have to bite my tongue sometimes to avoid being sassy to a teacher or parent or whomever. But I don't because I know it's not something that is appropriate. Do you see adults acting that way? Hell no. And the weird thing is that us teenagers are literally only a few years younger than some of those adults. Why don't we get it?!?!?
September 13th, 2010 at 11:16am