It's ringing in our hearts like a battle cry.

Coming Alive by Phil Wickham is stuck in my head.


The high school I attend is trying to ban yoga pants.

My opinion of this?
Thank you, administration.

I'm tired of seeing girl's mostly naked butts walking through the halls. Because they're not setting down a blanket ban; if they're loose, they're okay, and if you're butt's covered, they're okay. Which is pretty darn reasonable, considering many schools in the area don't allow them at all.

I have to admit, every once in a while I indulge in yoga pants. Mostly as pajamas...and when I'm exercising. But once in a blue moon, I will wear them to school. Except they're loose. And I'm usually wearing a dress or dress-length hoodie over top.

I'm really glad of the new rule; it is not my goal to see the entire female populations' butts hanging out everywhere. But there has, of course, been backlash. Girls have gone so far as to accuse the administration of being sexist, saying they should just turn it into a Catholic school, etc.

Now, we have a very lenient dress code. It's roughly something like wear clothes to school. I don't see how that compares to the nearby Catholic school, where they specify the specific shade of khakis you need to wear.

Sometimes I think my generation has it so well that they find it hard to see how good they have it. (And myself is included there)


Guess what I'm wearing around my neck? His ring. <3

We're not technically dating. But he told me that since he never wears it anyway, he wanted to know if I'd like it. So I wore it today. I can't most days, because I don't want rumors starting or my parents to notice, but....^.^

What I love about this is that it's so dorky. I mean, I obviously know that wearing a guy's class ring means you're 'going steady'. But no one I've ever heard of has actually done that.

He's so cute. ^.^
September 13th, 2010 at 09:18pm