Am I not worth it?

So last week I went to eat with a friend of mine who I had not seen in about 4 months. He is like my older brother because we have been going to the same church since I was like 12 or before that even. Also his mom and my mom were good friends so yeah I mean I know this guy pretty well. Well when I started getting ready to go off to college I decided that I would go to a school that was 5 hours away. Well the summer after my senior year this guy, we will call him Caleb, was still trying to figure out where he was wanting to go to school. Caleb had been thinking about different places well about a month before school started hee came up to me at church one night and told me that he decided that he wanted to go to the same school as me, for a theology degree.

Ok so you know the background of our friendship...Now he and I spent the summer in different places, which was normal but this time during the 4 months we just didn't see each other. Well he and I both went through some pretty major life experiences. So once I got back to school he and I were talking about catching up. So he asked if I wanted to go out to eat to this mexican place. Of course I jumped at the chance. Well he came and picked me up and we went to eat. While we were eating we just talked about our summers and what was going on in our lives. Well he paid for our food and we left. Then we went to get ice cream and then went back to his apartment (his roommate was there) and then after spending like 5 minutes there he took me back to my dorm.

Ok so after this whole thing and explaining it to my friends they are all about thinking that Caleb and I went on a date. I argued and argued with them about it but they think that since Caleb paid for it then it is a date. I am not saying that I wouldn't want it to be a date. I mean who ever marries this guy will be so so so lucky. But on top of that my little sister from back home (long story) thinks that Caleb and I are going to get married.

I say all that to say that I was telling my mom all this and I laughed about it because its a little out there to think, at least for me. But my mom laughed at the idea. I mean I know I laughed but to hear a laugh come from my mom I was just hurt, It was like she was telling me that I wasn't good enough for this guy. I know that's not what she meant but I could see myself marrying a guy like Caleb. So I just felt like she was saying that I would never find a guy like that. Caleb is a great guy and a great friend and deserves a great girl. But what about me? Am I not worth it to have a great guy? If I look at Caleb and see things in him that I want a future husband to be like am I not good enough to have that?

Am I not worth it? I just feel like if my mom doesn't think that I could date and marry caleb then apparently she doesn't think that I deserve the best. It makes me think, why am I holding my standards on a guy so high if my mom thinks that I am not worth it?
September 13th, 2010 at 11:13pm