early mornings, long days, early bedtimes. where does mibba fit in?

hello readers =)
It's been a while since I've wrote a journal and frankly, I don't know when I'll be writing another anytime soon. School has taken me hostage, my teachers are literally holding their pens to my face and the principal, well he's got his finger on the dials of the phone; threatening much?
Okay, so I exagerrated a little, but high school is stressful man. I've been trying to keep up my 'inkpop', my 'quizilla' and my 'mibba' all at the same time and it's getting really hard to do so.
I have decided NOT to cancel my mibba, but to use it when I have free time or I just don't have anything better to do.
NO OFFENSE to those who are in love with mibba, but it's a Tad too complicated for my needs at the moment. When I start to get a little more serious about my writing, I will focus more on it :)

As for todays topic!

So normally I don't go to bed til like... 12am? 1am at the latest? But recently I have been passing out the second I hit my bed. The first day of school I had stayed up quite late and when I got home I fell asleep. I beat my alarm the next morning (5am) and couldn't go back to bed -_-. I usually go to bed at around 10, but now I find myself giving up and heading to bed at 7 or right after DINNER!

I hope that I catch up on sleep soon enough because I keep missing important events that my friends intended to invite me to, but can't cause im never online! Ugh, I'm just SICK of it all. Don't get me wrong I love sleep, my dreams are AMAZING but after 12 hours of sleep, you tend to get a little... Hyper.

That's all for today because I'm pushing my limits, I should have been asleep an hour ago and I can feel myself shutting down... Literally.

Any ideas why this might be happening?
Any ideas how to stop it?
How has school been treating you?
September 14th, 2010 at 02:40am