YAY! old crap.

Hey, I found some old writing on my old computer from when I was 7. I'm currently typing of of it. Tell me how cute this is! XD I loved Jacob.

The group
chapter 1

I lunged back my head and closed my eyes ''when I open my eyes I won't even like him I'' I thought. Wow have I got a story for you,a love story!! There is a group called Hottie Mc Hot or as boys call it the group DA DA DA!!! ok I guess it starts here.I put my head on my best friend Madisons sholder."I know he is hot'' said Madison "very"I said.I sighed "well he's a fourth grader " I said. Eric Jacob and Chris are in the group... well chris isn't hot AT ALL!!! any way,Jacob is a skater,Eric is a skater but chris is a wanna be skater pft! i've seen chris and he fell.I ride the bus with Jacob he isn't nice at all oh well for me jacob is the hottest. today is Wednsday. today I found out Jacob has a SISTER anoter obsticle for me to doge! DARN!!! all my life ive been trying to find a way for Jacob to like me but now,ive made my was a centermeter.wow this really SUCKS....ON EGGS! ok i got that out of me im all good now ^_^!
chapter 2

and it starts

ok hi this is chapter 2 like it?

so 4th grade went to camp whatever or was it Dakumpsa idk any ways
this dorky kid EdWerido (EdWardo)didn't bring his slip sooo WA WA WA! funny funny now he had to spend 2 days in 3rd grade.More funny funny!way! sooo im guessing the reason was jacob broke his leg was cause [it rymes!] he broke it at camp somthing so MORE WA WA WA! [sob sob sob]any way he was'nt here for two misarable days. yeah today is halloween!_! kewl! well not really but it was our party!jacob was a army dead dude[it rymes again!]so the broken leg thing went good with his costume.To be honest I dont know if he really broke his leg.when I got home from school I was looking out the window when I saw my friend megans mom pulling in are driveway wow that was weird cause it was only an ivitation to a party. She handed the invite to my mom and left.
chapter 3


ok yo this is chapter 3 like it?

After the party i saw Jacob being hot at the salvaion army across the street he was skateboding so so so so so hot i thought. the next day jacobs mom came how wierd!well he gets his looks from his mom!when we lined up for recces (to leave to class)he was on the bench (he broke his leg)him and his mom pointed at me I gulped sweating i realized my line was inside already (so thats why jacob was laughing.)oh well...(sigh I remember the first time I saw jacob my first day of first grade he was being an idiot and blowing baloons everywhere what a dumb kid i thought now now hes at the top of my crush list wow wow wow and now im nine and he is like ten or eleven or somthing and he is still this hot plus he was way less hot when he was in like second grade wow now i am sitting in the middle of class paying no attention and........ wait.
Chapter 4

wow he is hot.

greetings this is chapter 4 like it???

ok I bet youre thinking what was she thinking please tell me PLEEASE!!!!!!
well fine.

He hates me dosent he? but im totaly in love with him and i should be totaly tramatized by this
but im not and and and.... right when i thought that the teacher called on me and was like can you repeat what victoria said?and there was silence and a quick no........................quickly i was back to my thought,i shouldnt like him but i do now im thinking like im in loooove or somthing and and and i am in love!!.the next day it really set in i woke up having like 10,000 dreams about jacob and me.oh my god,make this day end as i was on clubpenguin typing all i saw were penguins names named jacob678. jake. jakie. jaky chan.ohhh i lunged back my head and closed my eyes when i open my eres i wont even like him i thought
chapter 5

it gets worse.

wazzup this is chapter 5

When i was getting out of class i stared at jacob i was out the door by the time he was on the bus. I realized my shoes were untide i really didnt care i mean jacob was allready on the bus sooooo no duh. i was running lightning speed with madison when i fell OWWWW!!!!! madison was totaly like ARE YOU OK!?!?!? Jacob was laughing from a distance. if i were on club penguin i would have had the little angry face above me.
you know there is times i hate jacob and time i want to makeout with him oh well i like makout time s better!!!!
(sigh.....) oops srry what was i talking about??? idk huff......srry just thinking about.......WHAT???
DARN IT HE THREW UP!!!! OH!!! srry....
chapter 6


Sigh.....oh yea this is chapter 6

So i was thinking about jacob in my happy/sad corner when i realized i had to clean my room:madison was coming
i REALLY didnt want to and scince she was on her way i thought oh well wont clean :)
huff OH DARN IT HE THREW UP AGAIN!!!! PLZZZZZ stop happening plzzzzzz oh AHHHH! NOT AGAIN think of eric think of eric NOOOO!
HE THREW UP!!! OK ILL HAVE THROW UP THINK OF CHRIS THINK OF CHRIS UH OH..............nooooo!woah eric ur my sink whoa jacob ur my tub wha chris ur my toilet oh well it suits you ALOT......

Chapter 7

sorry my last chapther was short.

I was suuuuuper antsy in class so i used a bathroom break well,on my way back i saw a sign that said Good Times At Camp TehCumseh i saw it and i was like WOW i thought it was DeCumsa how strange........Ahhh! dont throw up!!
oh sorry.So i was on youtube and i saw a funny song and it went like this "dashing through the sand with a bomb strapped to my back i have a nasty plan for chrismas in iraq!" i laughed so hard it was soooo funny well,its been a while scince i wrote so lemme tell u the buzz

Chapter 8

sorry i had another short chapter

ok well now im alowed to have walks by myself only catch is i need to have a friend with me(madison dur) we took a walk to jacobs(yay) so jacob was being kinda nice (yey again) he saw us walking up by the creek madison pointed him out and i called to him we walked down he said "how did u guys get up there"?!? i said"we were up by daniels house"! oh, he said for some reason he was nice a while late he got back to his normal self still pretty nice through he said "lets play chicken!" hmm? i thought he said "see how long it takes to dodge a car"! madison went first this is baddd i thought a car was maby 6 meters away from her and she jumped that was about all we played madison went one more time while she was waiting for a car me and jacob standed side by side he suddenly looked ad me i felt like i had butterflys in my stomach and the only thing i could do was look back so i did i got too nervous so i just ran away to madison i asked madison when we would be going to the park she immiedietly asked jacob if he wanted to come sure lemme ask my mom that second my dad called i flipped open my moms cell phone and he said "where are u jacob then screamed BLAH BLAH SHE SPRAYED ME WITH WATER BLAH BLAH so i quickly hung up (he wasnt lieing)! jacob started laughing so i kicked him HARD. he fell in pain (yay the third time! XD)

chapter 9

Ohh Its chapta 9! almost ten!! one more chapter 4 u 2 read!

Not much has happended in the life of a 9 year old girl scince i wrote... well.... not THAT much you see?, i lonly write about jacob happenings or Eric happenings or chris being a stupid happenings mostly jacob happenings <3 and the recent Jacob happenings was when me and madison when on a walkie talkie runnie gettie yeldie atie jacobie andie ericie... that was weird well i think what i just put basicly explaind it me and madi went on a walk and we saw eric and jacob, they called us stalkers thus we left... on that walk we passed by a store and saw chris we talked and basily explained why we were there and left the best part of that week was when i had went to my neighborhood pool i hung out for a while thus i saw jacob the only thought i had was "HE DOESNT GO HERE!! WHYD HE GO HERE??? NOO! HE CANT SEE ME! MUST BE BACKWARDS!" well thats exacly what i did... faced backwards...the WHOLE TIME. ha ha ha not the WHOLE time... my dad proceeded to pick me up and went RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. RIGHT THERE! NOT AN INCH OFF!!! well of course he saw me but had not recodnised me OF COURSE it kept getting better. he then shook me i did put up a fight which made a seen jacob had still not recodnised me at this point he thought i was insane... i didnt know what to do so i just hung here imagine that... me. in a pool... hanging there... BONELESS...in front of my crush!!!... thus my dad began to shake me moreand SCREAMED TO HIM! LOOK ITS SOFI!!! ITS SOFI GUYS ITS SOFI! jacob new it was me... and basicly scoffed without scoffing... he raisd his eye brows and swam away... relived i dunk myself into the water has my dad lost his grip i managed to avoid jacob for the rest of that day.

Whoah...That was old... Well anyways I thought you guys would like this peice of prehistoric writing.
September 14th, 2010 at 06:40am