Three Months <3

Today, Josh and have been dating for three months. I'm so happy. He makes me so happy. I used to be so sad, and he has turned my life upside down in the very best way.
For the past few days he had been saying that he was working on a gift for me, and that it's taking him a really long time, so I kept saying that he really didn't have to do it, but he was determined he had to. And his gift was the best gift I've ever gotten. He wrote me a song, and it's so beautiful when he played it for me I teared up a little. It has no words, but it is absolutely amazing and I love it so much.
He said that after every month, he will add a minute onto the song. He's just . fkhdjkghfjkgh. :3 <3

You should check out the song :)

The picture at the end of the video, is a kind of old-ish picture of me, a few months old, but oh well. Josh photoshopped it and made me look pretty :3 <3
September 16th, 2010 at 03:35am