I'm such a hypocrite

wow ive been bitching about how the few awesome stories i follow are never updated enough, then i realized i havent updated my stories in like 3-4 days. it doesnt seem like a lot i know, but i check these stories literally every day to see if there's more!! soo idk if i have anyone who does that, but i know it would piss me off. i'll try to post soon though if anyone cares haha XD

i don't normally get addicted to stories cuz i like my own ideas, so normally i read them and then i really dont care enough to check or even remember what they were called, but i do very much enjoy a few.

soooo wanna know what they are? well here you go:

My Living Nightmare by winternightz --- if you havent read this well... i think you may be certifiably insane. it is the best freaking story i have ever read in my life. the only reason i came to mibba was because i absolutely HAD to keep reading her story. no joke.

Let's Go Back by savannah kay --- not normally the kind of story i would get addicted to, but i really like it

Heaven 2013 by savannah kay --- its sooo different and i absolutely love it!!! she hasnt updated it in for freaking EVER though >:| grrr

Your Name Remains The Same, All That's Changed Is The Pretty Face --- very different and very well written. if you can't already tell, i adore savannah kay

Toxic/Lovegame by The Kaulitz Girl --- its like My Living Nightmare but not. i love the guys in the whole abusive dangerous type (its different and i like it okay?) but very well written story very very good

The Manager's Niece (on quizilla) by StarStreak12 --- soooo freaking addictive!!!! once again, not something i would normally get addicted to, but this is freaking amazing. read it.

those are the only ones i am absolutely addicted to. not many. those are really the only ones i read period because if im not busy doing something, im posting something.

soooo if you have any reccomendations i would absolutely love to hear them! i like different storie, but if its that freaking amazing obviously i like the more stereotypical stories (im being a major hypocrite right now just fyi) so please please pleeaassseeee reccomend me some!!!!!!!! i need some new addictions :3
September 16th, 2010 at 04:48am