Can you relate to me in any way?

Recently I have been bitched at a lot by my friends and lost a few because they told me that I left them when I first had got a boyfriend. Them leaving me now, is just as bad as then. They were drifting from me because they didn't want to hang out with me because I was with my boyfriend at school. My boyfriend doesn't go to high school anymore. He's in college. And my friends still complain that he is my life. My old best friend had told me I was her sister the day before and etc.. then the next day she told me I was annoying, didn't want to talk to me and deleted me off of facebook and myspace. I don't really have any friends because it seems like lately, I try to make a friend and get to know them, I just can't stand them at all or talking to them or I tell them something and they know another friend of mine, and tell them what I said in a totally different way and makes a mess.

I love my boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, but like, I need some time with friends. The only thing that sucks, is that I always go back to my old friends because they are nice.. and I know that I won't get sick of them or annoyed. I get kind of mad at my boyfriend sometimes because he goes and hangs out with friends, but then he says he doesn't have the time to do anything. (like his friends spending the night at his house) And if I ask to call, he says I can't or says only for 5 minutes because we are about to play a game or something. I have had so many second thoughts about mine and his relationship, but I can't seem to break it completely. A part of me will always be with him. When I am with him, I feel whole and we just bond like no other.

Doesn't anyone like making friends, but then later you find out that one of them is like a person to make up a bunch of crap and drama? Has anyone ever felt that way about a guy or girl?
September 17th, 2010 at 04:10am