What has this world come to...

Ok i want to know what is wrong with me or is it the world?? i am in the 9th grade and i am bisexual...i have been picked on since the 8th grade because of it. Today it got really bad i have cried all day. Because some dude comes up to me and asked if a was a lesbian and i screamed no! im bi what the hell does it matter!?!? and he got into my face and told me it was gross and i was about to smack him but my best friend got in his face and started to cuss him out...then a teacher came and made us go to class.....and then some of the people that watched the whole sense was in my class and started talking about me lound enough so i could hear and they said to the teacher that all the gay bi and lesbians should go to hell that is was nasty and tha teacher agreed.....it pissed me off beyond point and you know what i did? i cried......yeah smart.....then my friend came in my class room and took me to the bathroom where i was crying so much...and she had to cuss out the teacher to even let me go to the bathroom......and i cried for forever and i never cry in front of people and alot more stuff happened.....but i want to know why would anyone do that i am human to i just like different people.....how could anyone do this?????i feel like something is wrong me......all the people that make fun of me have no idea how much they have hurt me.....i dont know i was just thinking about all this stuff......please help....what should i do??( sorry about all the missed spelled words and mistakes i just dont feel like fixing it:(:( )
September 18th, 2010 at 02:35am