Operation *** and Retreat XD

Here's the story:

My friend Lauren, she had this boyfriend named Tay but like an ass hole he cheated on her (what a surprise) and he even tried hitting on me 2 out of the 2 times that we've met. The thing that really pisses me off is that he dumped the girl he cheated on Lauren with, two days after having sex with her!!!!! Grah! What the hell is wrong with you boys? Lauren and I have been friends since birth, but we live in diffrent counties so we don't go to the same school :( but were the best friends ever<3

Here's the plan:

We're gonna pretend like we (Lauren and I) got in this huge fight. Our friend Christine is gonna tell him I said something along the lines of "Oh my gosh, Tay! Lauren and her friend Nova got in this huge fight. Lauren called her a slut and then Nova said that she was just bitter cause you want her and not Lauren." And then I flirt with him and blah blah blah. Basically the whole John Tucker Must die plot, but we'll be more successful haha.

Operation Wore and Retreat is a go XP
September 19th, 2010 at 05:46pm