Internet Is: BACK

So, I just got Internet back, literally 2 seconds ago and will slowly start updating all of my stories. Now that I have an Internet connection that I can trust, I can update frequently AND I can actually keep up with all of the stories that I'm subscribed to. (9 PAGES OF SLASH! :O)

Oh, and maybe you might want to do a comment swap? You give me the title of one of your stories and I comment on it, then you do the same with one of mine?

It's Only Me... (first slash, updated really quick. possible sequel when it ends)
Summer Lovin' (very popular...)
Dead On Arrival (long chapters)

Feel free to comment on any one of those! But just so you know, they're all slash. (BOYxBOY just in case you didn't know.)

September 19th, 2010 at 06:09pm