HELP ME!!!!!

OK OK I am CONFUSED!!!! At school, Alex Robinson ignores me so much its like we are strangers and we don't know each other. But Sometimes, when we hang out at our old school he is like we have been buddies for awhile. WHAT THE FUCK? I know right?

I kinda like him too. But There is so many girls that are by far, prettier than me. I mean I have tan skin with wild thick curly hair some pimples and I'm pretty tall. Yeah you think having curly thick brown hair is awesome right? WRONG DEAD WRONG. I hate my long hair. Its a night mare. Its WAY to hard to keep it controlled.Plus I think I have damaged my hair WAY to much. I permed it because I had no choice which will be the worst mistake in my life. My hair is way to thick for more ugly ass curls. I just want to have where I can just have it down. NO! I have to have it up all the time! KILL ME NOW! I don't really wear make up. I read a lot. I have always been friends with nobody. Mari is my best friend despite her...Family Problems. I may be athletic but you know, Red cheeks come with Mexicans.

I'm the girl who has a lot of anger built up inside me, so if you push me too far, be prepared to get fucked up. I have always done this so you should too. I think is what is scaring Alex away. Never go to bed angry. STAY UP AND PLOT YOUR REVENGE! I LOVE THAT. I know everyone knows this one. I always use it. HO about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up? So stick that in your juice box and suck it.

Nobody dies a virgin because in the end life fucks us all. You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because all you bitches are the same. So I need help. I love him. I need him. And he doesn't show an thing that he loves me back. HELP ME.
September 20th, 2010 at 12:11am