My epic fails of the day.. This movie made me sad becuase it reiminds me of me..questions

Taylor-Do you like fish? Me- No, I don't like most foods though. Taylor- No, the pet. Me- Oh yeah I like the pets..just not the eating kind.

Yeaaaah that's fail number one.

Fail number two...
I broke my underwear..Yeah my *ss was too big and it just...broke. XD I guess I don't fit a size 5 anymore. :P My face got soooo red. :| I just ran up to the bathroom and I was like...oooooh crap! But I'm telling you for your own amusement. That's how much I love you guys. :) So yeah laugh HAHAHA!!! Jessica makes epic fails.. Oh..I also ran into a door. O_o It wouldn't open when I turned the handle but I couldn't stop so..I ran into a door. -looks at feet- Yeaaaah.

So I was watching Pheobe in Wonderland. (you should watch it, it's good) And I started crying. Pheobe reminds me so much of myself in some ways. Shy, quiet, big imagination, wishing to be somewhere else, creating a whole different world in my mind, Being like a different person when I do things I like, and I have all those crazy rituals everything has to be even..I tap fingers on one side I have to do it on the other exactly the same.. And a bunch of other stuff is the same that I don't feel like sharing.

-dances- Let's all have a welcome back party for you know who!!! Voldemort? NO!!! Sammie. :D
1. I fail
2. What happened to you today?
3. Ever seen the movie?
4. Ask me any 3-5 questions
5. I like fish..but not the food. :) Thank god my boyfriend doesn't care that I'm a dork..
September 20th, 2010 at 02:32am