Back on Mibba

So I haven't been on Mibba in yonks, which means I haven't written anything in ages, so to everyone that reads my stuff, or used to anyway. I apologise.

Anyway it's 10:21pm and everyone is in bed, so I'm trying to type really softly because this keyboard is super load and they can here me in the next room.
Yesterday I went to see Tomorrow, When the War began with my friend, Amanda, who is becoming like my best friend. I really feel like I can trust her. So the book is now my new obsession, but there are like 7 of them and my parents won't let me buy them all, so I'm thinking -- GET A JOB EMMA! But I really can't be stuffed, so I'll go with the begging route which I think is a splendid idea.

Now for my complaining paragraph. Me and my friend/ my friend and I (if you've seen the movie you'll totally get what I'm talking about) also played some football and now my muscles ache. It took me all day to figure out why and I only did so like half an hour ago.

Anywho, in conclusion I say -- if you bothered to read this little journal of mine then you should definitely go out and see TOMORROW, WHEN THE WAR BEGAN! It's totally Australian and awesome, but that fact that they eat Vegemite (yuck) right out of the jar (double yuck) kinda turns me off it, it is still a AMAZINGLY awesome movie.

Haha, my journal is like an advertisement.

September 20th, 2010 at 02:35pm