I'm Sorry is getting REALLY old with you and there's a BABY on the way!!

Hello fellow readers/writers :)
It's been a few days since I've posted a journal, and I can honestly say that I miss you guys. After great discussion about my internet habits, it's been cut short to 8am-8pm. That is NOT enough time for me to go through all of my writing websites and check on you guys. It's completely unfair, I know, but I had an addiction... or something. haha.

Anyways, since we last talked, I haven't started dating Brandon and My previous previous ex Andre (17) claimed that his girlfriend (14) is preggers. Andre was supposed to be 'the one' or something like that. He treated me nice and he was respectful of boundaries, considering im 15... but I hated the age difference. soon enough my mother got a hold of me and set me straight.

But do age differences really matter that much?

In this case it does because I know that Andre is going to be 18 when/if the baby is delivered... can't he go to jail for that... or something?? Like, I'm just completely shocked and... quite disgusted. Maybe that's because im still a virgin, but... idk. It's disgusting for me, okay?

In other news, today has to have been mymost UNlucky day. I swear the devil was torturing me today while God sat there in a lawn chair, sipping iced tea. I broke 3 Glass Cups, Tore my teacher's new book, tripped over AIR and well... fell face first into the sand pit. My day couldn't have gone worse... or atleast that's what i THOUGHT.

I got hit in the face with a basketball, a volley ball and a LOCKER! My foot got stepped on TOO many times by the multitude of kids at my welfair highschool and I just can't take it anymore!

But, even after complaining about pain and headaches, the thing that completely ruined my day was when my supposed BEST guy friend verbally ATTACKED me! I was like... wtf dude, screw off. It's not a good day to be messing with me. And ofcourse he was all like, Shut up bitch, you don't know anything about what I got through. so I retorted with a , "F*$% you bud, get out of my life for like... 5 seconds and get over yourself! Incase you haven't noticed, you're not the only one on earth having a BAD DAY!"

I took a deap breath and walked away, everybody was staring, but I could care less! my best friend (supposed) totally b*tched me out, so... he deserved it. He apologised for it after but I said "I'm sorry is getting REALLY old with you Denis" and completely ignored him for the rest of the ride home.

Further more, I have aqquired a JOB :D
I work part time at a bowling alley, a little over minimum wage and ... I get to slack off!
Gosh, I love that part of my life right now :)

Anyhoo I hope you all enjoyed the little peek into my life, I sure didn't :)

September 21st, 2010 at 01:49am