New Mibba Person

SO... I was told to get account on this website, so here I am. So apparently this has to be at least over 100 words, I was just going to end this first one quickly but I guess I can't anymore. Alot of writing I tend to do is in horror or shocker format, although I do put some "thinkers" in there now and then. I'll probably talk alot about some bands that I have found and enjoy as well in this journal, like for instance the band 3, I found them on youtube, if you enjoy old metal, and/or system of a down you'd probably enjoy them, one of my favourites by them is their song "alien angel", it's melodic, meaningful, and really makes a point about how there are plenty hidden messages in society. But anyways, expect some fairly interesting posts to come... Particularly journal ones seeing as my home life is anything from ordinary... but then again, who's is?
September 21st, 2010 at 11:08pm