Do you ever get that feeling that everyone hates you?

So I'm not going to go and get all self pity on my self, that's not what this is about. I know I have friends, people that care about me. And then I also know that some people may be happier if I weren't around. Though sometimes I don't know who those people are.
One day it can be 'this' person, and then the next day it can be 'that' person. And then somedays, it's like everybody would be happier if you were dead.

It's like the ultimate BAD DAY. Except, you didn't run out of milk to put on your cereal, you weren't late for the bus and had to walk to school, you did forget to do bring your homework, and you didn't slip in the mud and become a human thing-from-the-swamp. Instead, you were treated like crap, all day, by everyone.
No one asked: How are you?
No one said: You look nice today.

In fact the only time someone spoke to you was when they were insulting you.
And sure it may be the same person that you were pretty sure already hated you and didn't want you around and you stood your ground by laughing it off and insulting them back, just like friends and so it became routine. But on this particular day, your ultimate bad day, it gets to you. Deep down inside, it cuts you deep. Especially when everyone starts laughing at the joke, and even more so when you can't think of a good comeback.
And you start thinking, maybe it would be better if you weren't around, not just better for them, but better for you too. Because then you wouldn't have someone flinging insults at you every 5 seconds.

You spend the rest of the day in silence, trying not to get on anyone's nerves. And when no one asks 'What's wrong?' it makes you feel worse. And when you hear your 'so called friends' talking about you behind your back, saying what a bore you are and they just wish you would go away. Things get worse. SELF PITY.

You start taking your problems out on others and your day only gets worse. Then you go home and your parents don't talk to you and you start to get angry.
So you go off in a rage and start to complain to yourself, think about doing a few things you'd never even consider if you were in your right mind. You ignore Facebook, turn your phone off because you know no one is going to contact you and you go to bed all moody and have dreams about your friends finally ditching you for good.

Then, when you wake up in the morning and go back to school and everyone is nice and acts like they want you around and you begin to think it was ALL IN YOUR HEAD... until the next day your ultimate bad day comes along.


No self pity, this isn't one of those days, but I have day them, not in bulk or anything. And now I figure, it doesn't even matter anyway. Because I no longer care if people like me or not. I'm inevitably annoying. And perhaps one day I'll find real friends and I'll never have that ultimate bad day again. And now I think I maybe I have finally found them. :D
September 22nd, 2010 at 02:58am