I Hate Koodo

Never get a Koodo phone. Never. Ever. They suck. They're stupid and soo not worth it. My phone has been given me problems for over a year now. And I've had it for just over a year. It's weird with texts, it randomly won't get them, or send them. And that just bugs me when I'm trying to talk to someone.
And now, just recently, it stopped charging. The charger won't work. So I sent it in, and almost 3 weeks later (tonight) I got it back. And when I go to charge it, IT DOESN'T CHARGE. I went back to ask what was wrong with it, and it was the charger or something, and to buy a new one is $30. We don't have $30.
We have to call customer service, hopefully I can get a new phone or SOMETHING. Because I am so sick of things not working for me.
I really just wish some technology would work for me. It always breaks. No matter what I do, no matter how well I take care of it. It's not fair.
So. I'm pretty bummed out about this if you couldn't tell.
So I repeat.
September 23rd, 2010 at 02:43am