I don't like these gross blue pills...

Yup, isn't it terrible... I've been diagnosed with..... the starting of bronchitis, what a lovely way to deal with this week, sick, and having to take nasty blue antibiotics that taste like dirty socks [please do not ask me how I know how that tastes]. I can taste them, because sadly I don't posess the quality of being able to swallow pills, I get that stupid gag reflex no matter how hard I try. I feel a tad bit better with this damn sickness I have right now, seeing as my boyfriend is laying on the hide-a-bed next to the computer, while checking himself out in my pink polka-dotted compact mirror. Humour tends to help cure anything.

Did I mention I have a boyfriend yet? Ohhhh probably not, well anyways, we'll have been together for three years in november, and he is currently staying with myself and my dad. We pay for groceries, etc. and Riley[that's his name] pays for rent every so often. He's got a construction job down here where we live, and my job's currently at one of the local "dollarstores" so we are pretty abled for now with holding the fort down here at home.

But anyways, I shall be writing another journal sometime soon, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings for tonight. Bedtime calls, and my hunny quit checking himself out in the mirror, so I'm thinking that's the signal that he's getting fed up with me typing and that he's going to be dragging me to bed with him soon anyways. Goodnight.
September 23rd, 2010 at 05:41am