Hypothetical Question

My psychology teacher asked us these questions today along with some other ones, and they really got me thinking. What do you guys think?

1. If a new medication were developed that would cure Parkinson's Disease, but cause a severe fatal reaction to 2% of the people who took it, would you let it be released to the public?

2. Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if you knew it would somehow end world hunger?

3. You are leading 100 people in a survivalist situation, when suddenly your lives are in danger and you must choose between two courses of action. One would cause 10 of the people to die and everyone else would live, the other would have a 70% chance of saving everyone but were it to fail then everyone would die. Which would you choose?

Of course after about 10 minutes of these hypothetical situations in psych class today, our class turned into one big game of "would you rather" which, might I add was hilarious. Does anyone have any really good "would you rather" questions? Feel free!
September 23rd, 2010 at 11:26am