That's Messed Up

Okay, so I got two saturday schools.

How it started:

A couple weeks ago, me and my ex were arguing about why we broke up. I told him he was a jerk that wanted to date my sister while he was with me. This chick next to me. who sits at the table from time to time, looks over and says, "Well, you're sister's pretty. I can see why he'd do that." I was like, "Hell no." That to me says I'm not pretty enough to keep a man interested. I took big offense. So I told the girl not to sit at the table anymore or I was going to hurt her.

Well, a couple days ago, the stupid dick sits right next to me with her friend. I looked at the two of them and said, "I thought I told you never to sit here again." And she gets mouthy with me, saying things like, "I don't see your name on the table." I was tapping my tray, trying to keep my cool. I told her I would hate to have to rearrange her pretty face. She challenged me.

I tossed the french fries on my tray at her stupid face and went to another table with some of my other friends. We had a laugh about it in my next period. I was walking to my last period with my future wifey, Kristen, and I hear someone calling my name. I turn to see this chick and my mood instantly sours.

She simply says, "You're a bitch." Kristen veers off into her class. I'm not bothered by the so called insult. I don't care. I am. And proud of it. But I retort with," Yeah. And you're a whore." I keep walking and I hear her still talking, "I'm not a whore. I don't sleep around like your sister." The gloves come off. You can say what you want about me. I've heard it all before. But, when you talk about my friends and family, you just signed a death warrent. So I spin around and push the girl. I told her not to talk about my sister like that. I get backed agains the wall. I told her if I heard her say anything about my sister agian, I was going to rip her face off. I punch her in the arm, which I wouldn't count as I punch. My fist walked arcoss her arm. I walked away without anything else to do or say.

Yesterday, I got called down to the office twice. The first time, I told my story, everything. Because, hey, if you're going to get suspened, why hold anything back? The second time, I received news of my pinushment which was two saturday school. Two saturdays, having four hours of study hall. That was it.

The funny part about this is that I got the saturday schools for throwing food. Yep. I'm sweet like that.

Keeping you informed of my oh so exciting life! Haha.
September 23rd, 2010 at 05:08pm