Questions!! and the pathetic little tale of my sad abused life


See there's this Guy. Isn't there always? But anyway he is a total French sex bomb, but there is the constant problem of his friends who... Hate me. To the very core. *Why world can't you give me a fighting chance?* So In Geography The little parasite that hangs around me constantly (Lauren you bitch!) 'decided' to draw a picture of me as a cigarette, thus ending with the entire class thinking i am a smoker, including Mr. French-sex-bomb-whose-name-i-will-not-say.
As if he would want me now...

That's not even the worse of it. I tried to rub it off the board and she slapped me. SLAPPED ME!!!!Then forced me to the floor and kicked my ribs. The little psychotic b*tch is so lucky i didn't get up and kick her ass, (I don't like to beat people in front of 'him' because i really like him and do not want to scare him away).

It still gets worse one of 'His' friends decided to give me a big ass rant about the shortness of my skirt and how i'm a slut because i wear eye-liner.
You know what i'll tell you why, because up until now i have been called a transvestite for wearing pants to school and it wasn't getting me a love life. So i really can't win with this school.
By the way if your wondering where the hell our teacher was, the panda ate her. No actually she was sipping tea with the other teachers.

Which brings me to the conclusion that there is something wrong with my face that isn't noticeable in the mirror. Like i must have some sort of sign on my head stating that i like to be verbally and physically abused.

-What are the voices telling you?
-Favorite band?
-Don't you wish your life was like an eighty's movie. with a big musical number and the love of your life whisking you away after everything?
-What rumors have been spread about you?
September 24th, 2010 at 12:16pm