First Love

Ok, so first journal entry on first love. Well, it feels like love. Everytime we 'talk' my heart like beats straight out of my ribcage. And he is like, the highlight of my day. I look forward to him. I hate it when he isn't there. He's a christian (my parents would approve). Wow, I never thought I'd have a thing for the 'good boy'. But he's not stuffy, and he makes me laugh. He makes me want to wake up in the morning. He makes me want to sleep so I can dream of him. He isn't shallow, he isn't fixated on sex, he isn't a manwhore, he isn't fat and ugly (No offense to those who are). He' good to be true. In fact, he probably isn't. I'll wake up one of these days and he'll be gone. He'll have disappeared out of my life. But while he's here, I'm gonna love him. I'm gonna enjoy all my conversations and time spent with him. At least then, when he leaves, I'll have something to remember him by. So Prince Charming, you don't know who you are. You're the last person I thought that I'd fall for, but I've fallen hard. My heart is yours, treat is carefully. You don't realize you're holding it, but maybe one day you will. For now, just let me love you. That's all I ask.
September 24th, 2010 at 04:48pm