For You (subject to change)

I'm extending my break from The Bunny on the Moon. I'm not really sure if it's going in the direction that I want it to go. When I think about Why Aren't You Laughing?, it seems smooth and well thought out. But The Bunny on the Moon is a schizophrenic jumble of events and ideas that haven't been put together yet. They leave me confused and frustrated. Psychologically, something that continues to produce negative effects is eventually resented. And this story is the LAST thing I want to resent. I need plenty of time with this one to organize my thoughts, control the plot from lashing out at me, and finally, post the damn thing.

In my attempts to sate the public's hunger for Joker fanfics, I have created a new Joker story which, until further notice, will only be about 15 chapters long. A quick synopsis can be found in my profile. A more in-depth one can be found

Right Here> Jackie Lopez is a nineteen year old girl living in Brooklyn, New York with her parents. She loves punk rock, sushi, and Ruby, her girlfriend who lives next door. A year before Jackie's life turned to shit, she threw a massive house party while her parents were away. When they returned, they found their house trashed and their daughter drunk and high. The next year, they sent her to live with her very rich, very famous godfather, Bruce Wayne. Soon after, her life took a dire turn for the worst over a gray kitten, a man with a disfigured face, and purple pinstriped pants.

Now go read.
September 24th, 2010 at 08:40pm