You're so gay and you don't even like boys.

Ok, so.
Today was like any regular Friday, minus the fact I couldn't not get "Peacock" by Katy Perry out of my head.
Not necessarily the best song to be singing out loud...yeah.
I had this total mental breakdown during drama, because I'm too chicken to perform my own monologue.
My teacher took pity on me though, so I guess it was ok, but I couldn't help but feel really embarrassed, especially since I started crying from how nervous I was.
This goes to show how good I am speaking in front of people.
There was monsoon when I left 6th hour, literally.
I'm lucky I brought my umbrella, but the wind devoured it.
So bye-bye pretty floral umbrella.

I'm in the mood for comment swap!
So, you comment: Miracle; or Let's Run Away,
and I'll deff. comment you back. :3
September 24th, 2010 at 09:20pm