Growing Up.

I have been such a bad author lately, well, more like for the past year. I'm shocked and saddened that I neglected my stories for so long.
This is one of the few times in a while that I actually made myself sit down and work on a story. I've managed to update both of my stories in the past month. Yay me!

It's crazy to think how things change. I've always been a writer. But lately things have gotten so busy that I've totally neglected my reason for living. I hate that I don't have time for anything creative anymore. Growing up really sucks. All I do is work, eat, sleep, play with my dog, and repeat. I read a lot but I'm usually too tired to use my brain.

I used to paint, and design stuff on the computer, and write, and spend hours just working on creative outlets. Now I have an apartment and a job and all this stuff. And yet, even though I'm always busy, I don't fill like my life is full. I want downtime to just sit and do nothing but daydream and make up stories.

I am going to make a promise to myself, and to mibba, to start setting aside time to write and work on stuff from now on.

Guys, don't let anything stop you from doing what makes you happy. You should ALWAYS set aside some time to do whatever you want. Whether it's writing or painting or just staring at the wall. No matter how old or young or happy or sad you are, you need to let your brain create something from nothing. Because if you just lose yourself in school or work or both or in your typical daily happenings, before you know it, you're 21st birthday is around the corner, but you feel like you're much older than that. Time passes fast. It feels like high school was yesterday...
Or at least last week. ;)

Just something for y'all to think about. Or don't. Think about whatever you want. And don't let anyone or thing stop you.
September 25th, 2010 at 09:02am