Au Revoir!

But not really. Maybe you've already noticed, but I've been going on the computer less and less. It's all in attempt to cut back on my technology use. Instead of killing my brain by sitting in front of a hypnotic screen, I'm going to try getting outside and doing something else with my time. Like writing, drawing, mostly reading, and definitely practicing my cello.

I'll still get on now and again (probably every other day) because let's face it, I can't just go completely cold turkey on what has been my life for the past four years. I little computer what kill me, but seriously, I'm trying to rebuild a new lifestyle for me. A healthier one. And so far it's working!

So instead of Facebook chatting I'll be reading, and instead of going online I'll be going outside.


There's dinosaurs in my oatmeal! 8D
September 25th, 2010 at 04:56pm