Cuban Cigars...

I need a cigar, one of those big ones, one of the nice Cuban ones. I'm a party smoker, meaning I only smoke on the rare occasion, but even so I hate it that whenever I mention smoking there are some people that run there mouths saying "you shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you, you'll get cancer". I know that, I'm pretty sure every smoker does, we understand the risks, we understand that it's just a slow suicide, we just don't care. Or I don't anyways. I think that since we're allowed to tell smokers something like that we should be able to tell other people that are fucking themselves over that they are fucking themselves over, like for instance severely obese people, or messy people, or people that are just plain arrogant. But, anyways, you guys should check out the band "Swallow the Sun" they're a really good doom metal band, all of their songs are epic ballads. They're able to emulate there emotions so well through their music. here's a link to one of their songs:
September 26th, 2010 at 07:11am