What are the cultural differences between Washington and California? Oh I will tell you...

Okay so just a little background information, I was born and raised in California. Lived in Orange County for 17 of the 18 years of my life. When my step-dad got a high paying job in Washington, my family and I moved there in August. Although I haven't lived in the north west for very long, I can already recognize some major differences in the culture up here than in California.
One big difference is that people here are way more friendly. I started college up here a few weeks ago, and the first day of school I made two friends and I didn't approach either of them. They just started talking to me and were really nice. In California I had to go to a total of four schools and I never had the experience with people like I did here. In OC, people tend to keep to themselves or a tight knitted group of friends. No one really goes out of their way to say "Hi" when they walk by, or even smile, while up here it's the total opposite. It's not a bad thing, but it's really hard to get used to since the last 18 years of my life I've had a different lifestyle.

Another big difference I have noticed is that people here aren't clones of each other. What I mean by that is that in OC, around 80% of the people looked alike: dyed blond hair, hollister and/or abercrombie clothes, tan, expensive jeans, blah blah blah. So compared to my age group, I was the minority. I'm tall, pale, dark haired with a streak of purple, skinny jeans with boots, natural make up, hoodies, blah blah blah. Up here, the way I look is considered normal. It kind of bothers me, but it also doesn't at the same time. I like the fact that I don't draw as much attention, but I don't like how people dress similar to me. One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing someone wear something I have. It rarely happens, but up here it's more likely to happen. Uhg. Well at least I can wear my hoodies most of the year haha.

One thing that really bugs me is that a lot of people take the bus up here. The people that take the bus are sometimes really bad smelling and they stare at me. Staring as in watching me and I see them looking at me but they don't look away. In California, people would secretly stare at you but look away as soon as you suspect them looking. At least they were trying to be discreet. I don't want to sound conceited, but I'm aware that my facial structure is unique; high cheek bones, small nose, full lips, blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean that someone has the right to stare at you constantly and make you feel uncomfortable. I just find it really rude, but clearly it's not up here.

Enough of the negative haha. One thing I like is that when it's lightly raining, people don't freak out and run amok. I find rain refreshing. It makes me like breathing the air because it smells cleaner, plus I love the smell of rain. And obviously all the landscape is really green, and it's nice to not have to see brown plants haha. It's also a good thing that it's cloudy almost every day because my skin can't stand the sun. Yeah I know, I sound like a freaky vampire or something, but my skin seriously is allergic to too much sun. I get a weird heat rash when it's too hot, even if i take a shower I get it. So living in California wasn't the best place for my skin. Damn my northern European skin!

So the bottom line I would think is that Washington is a lot more laid back and simple compared to California. I know that some of the things I said are "stereotyping" but I'm just writing about my experiences, which I know are not the same for all. If you have a different opinion, comment or send me a message. I don't bite :]

Stay Classy,
September 28th, 2010 at 07:44am