Rest In Peace. </3

Yesterday, two fellow students of mine died in a car accident. I wasn't exactly friends with them, though I talked to the girl from time to time. I never actually expected something like this to happen, especially in a small town like Needmore. I cried, for the loss of the parents, and for the young lives that were taken away today.
The other students said that I was trying to, 'get attention,' but why would I want attention? I cried because, though they weren't close to me, I would see them every day in the hallways, laughing and smiling. They were young, and in love. Why were they taken away so soon? I don't understand this.
I don't believe in god, honestly, but if there is one, I hope that he takes good care of them. They were kind, and sweet, and were never cruel to me or anyone else. They didn't deserve dieing so early.
The girl was a sophomore, and the boy a senior.
Rest In Peace my loves, you'll forever be in our hearts. <3
September 28th, 2010 at 02:00pm