Aren't we all running?

I never know how to start these things because there really isn't a beginning to it, I always find myself in the middle of things. Stupid problems that happen in our lives. We can't blame anybody for these stuff that happens, because it's just the way reality is, and sometimes it hits you on the face hard. I realized getting too attached to a online website isn't a wise choice, even if it's a place for writing and such. It's literally taking up a huge amount of my time and i can't stopped it. I got into a messed up problem one month ago, and i've learned to leave other people's sh*t alone. Seriously, getting involved in it is just as bad as being in it. People act so hostage and protective of themselves, because the world's too harsh, yet they continue to share their experience here. What's the point of it? You let us read about your lives then you tell us to f*ck off because we aren't hurt enough to understand you?

I don't get people like that. They need to take a f*cking look and see the fact that this act they are doing is just attention-seeking. It's just as pathetic as kissing up to people so that they'll return the favor. We all deal with sh*ts in our lives, so shut up about it.
Because i really don't see the point in this, you let me into your life and then you blew me off when you fee like it. I don't want that sh*t, do everybody a favor and go tell someone else who actually enjoys sucking up to you.

This isn't meant to offend anybody or directly to someone specific. I'm merely saying it in general, because it's irritating me. I know I sound like a heartless bitch here, but at least i say my mind out.
September 28th, 2010 at 02:27pm