French makes me want fries:/

Like seriously every time I walk into thus class I just smell fries. And I'm like wtf? Why does it smell like this! Luckily I have lunch afterwards so its all good in the hood(:
French 1 is probably the easiest class I have. I mean like we do NOTHING in here. Just go over vocab and that's it. Lucky me?
Uh no I think not.
I'm one of the few that actually wants to learn the language.
I guess I can always buy Rosetta Stone.
So halloween is coming up you guys!!
I love Halloween(:
I'm just having trouble with choosing a costume.
Its a tough decision because I love both Wonder Woman and Barbie.
Oh oh oh!
"Na Na Na" is now on itunes!!
I'm so pumped for their new album.
Can't wait until November!!

1. What are you guys doing for Halloween?
2. What language do you wanna learn?
3. Favourite My Chemical Romance album?
4. How has your day been so far?
September 28th, 2010 at 07:15pm