Hairspray tryouts and my birthday is today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:

At my school were haveing the drama club do a play called hairspray. I really didn't want to tryout at first but my friend alex begged me to so I did. I went to the singing addition and was super scared. I was number 67 outta 70 kids to addtion. I sang "sorry" by: buckcherry. I didn't get home till 8!!! The next night I went to the dance addtions. That was alittle easyer. I messed up alittle but just kept smileing. (: Its always importand to smile. I couldn't stop doin 8 counts. I wanted to dance all lastnight and today. TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm now 16 years old. 9:11 am was when I turned lol. There are so many people telling me happy birthday at school that I didn't even think knew I was alive. I'm so loved by my family and friends. I love them all to. I hope justin mask does a amaizng job tonight at hes football game. I love him so much.

1.How was your day?
2.Anything intrusting?
3.Anything you want to vent?
4.Hows life?
5.Are you ready for halloween?
September 30th, 2010 at 09:38pm