Northern Downpour

well to day I woke up To the rain which is good for to reasons.
1.) my alarm clock oddly didn't go off .
2.) I quite like rain its pretty and peaceful.
well while I was sitting in the car watching it pour and waiting for my bus to appear I had the urge to listen to Northern Downpour by Panic at the Disco i though it was appropriate. I found this a bit odd because the song has nothing to do with rain except for the name. Also I remembered at that point that I used to really like that song but some how I stopped listening to it for what ever reason. So at this moment in time I am listening to it. I had actually forgotten how much I did like the newer album of theirs but I remember why i stopped listing to it. After a while of listening to it I got bored of it so I simply stopped for a while but now i have returned to listen to it again.

So tomorrow I have food day in my German class and I have to bring in a German food and I have no idea what to bring. I don't have enough time to actually make anything really. Like I could but I rather not. So it has to be something I can buy and something I can actually eat seeing as I'm a vegetarian and all. So does any one have any ideas of what I could bring? It would be very helpful if any one had a suggestion.

Yep so that pretty much all I have to say right now. I'm not sure what to do now though I'm very bored and it hasn't stopped raining all day :D. it has been raining non-stop and I'm happy. well any way I'm going to go now. I <3 you forever if you leave a comment I love reading them so yep good bye.
September 30th, 2010 at 10:39pm