Important note about my updates!

Dear readers of Minutes to Midnight,

Sorry I haven't updated just about all week. I have a legit excuse;; my boyfriend. It's lame, yes. But I've been talking to him so much that I just kinda forget to post the chapters that I have written.


I promise I will kick ass on updating this weekend though!

I thank you all so much to those who comment;; you make me want to update so badly. I promise I will soon enough though!!

And on a different note, if you like rock/alternative music, than check out Familiar Taste of Poision by Halestorm.

I absolutely love that song. To death.

Well, I s'pose that's it for now. Again, SORRY ABOUT THE UPDATES!!! D:

But I promise I will soon!!!!

October 1st, 2010 at 12:42am