Deleting Stories, Sorry.

I'm Darian Caleigh, or 'Caleigh Cannibal'

I'm not to big with my stories on this site, but I have enough.
This journal is mainly for the readers of my stories and why I haven't been updating in so long.

Well, I'm not on the computer as much as I wish to be, and I've lost interest in my stories, I feel as if they were slightly childish and amature to some point, with all the spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and just hopeful thinking.

I know stories are all about imagination, but I hate how cliche my stories have turned out and now, I feel stupid.

So, I'm deleting all of my stories.

I know, it's quite slefish, but I feel like I need too.
But if anyone would like to continue on with my stories, you are welcome too. Just please send me a message, or a simple comment, asking if you could. I'd like to keep track of my stories and see how they turn out.

All my stories are up for grabs, except Photography. My best mate Alex has already called dibs, and has posted a couple chapters already. Please, give him some credit, he's a awesome author.

Anyways, I'm deleting my stories on December 1st. If any storie is not taken, then I shall just delete it, sorry, but I'm not to fond of my past stories.

But I'll still be writing, although I'm only going to focus on one story at a time. Because more than two is too much updates for myself, I'm quite busy but I'll have enough time for one story.

My new stories, may or may not be about love, maybe slash or hetro, I'm not too sure yet, all I know is that I've definately lost interest in the Twilight Saga, and will not be writing a fan fiction of any type, ever.

Message me, and check out my new story whenever I decide too post it.

Thank you to all my readers, the commenters and subscribers, your support was greatly appreciated.

Darian CaleighCannibal?


yeah, i'm over the whole cannibal thing,
i'm now starting to like 'Cayleigh-Smiles
any thoughts? (:

ah, so much spelling errors,
sorry, i'm over tired from needles,
and i don't have spell check on my internet at the moment,
as i usually do, but i just needed to get the message out there quick,
mkay, bye.
October 1st, 2010 at 06:20am