The Worst Kind of Teacher

I don't know what you guys think, but to me the worst kind of teacher is the kind that calls your parent. Especially now that Im in high school, one with over 3000 kids no less [biggest in the state]. It irks me that they think it helps me, when in fact, all that happens is that I get my computer/TV "privlidges [really mom? Its not a privlidge to watch the news or check my email- not in this house]" taken away, until Im not failing or whatever. Theres also the fact that after they call I can't make up the work because I know they the teacher/parent is going to think it was because of them and think they're so great and whatnot.
Yeah. Sadly this has happened to me. The ironic thing? Im on this site because I love to write, and Im failing English.
English class is like being judged on your style of writing- only assholes who think they're genius' can do that with no regret. Its like judging a opinion.
Wow. I ranted.
Question: Least favorite kind of teacher?
October 1st, 2010 at 09:43pm