The Remus/Sirius Games 2010 - calling all Harry Potter & slash fans! (shameless whoaring) + My dog's birthday (pic)

Hello ladies and boys of Mibba, today I am here to pimp the wonderful community of the R/S Games 2010!

The R/S Gamesare a LiveJournal community who, every summer, produce a load of fics and artwork based on everybody's favourite secondary character in a children books series slash couple, Remus Lupin & Sirius Black :D

This year's theme is Team Canon versus Team AU, each team member is given a prompt and they have to write a story/create some art based on that prompt. This year's theme was music from the 70's +, so expect from great David Bowie and Leonard Cohen inspiried fics.

So why do we need your help?

Well team members (including myself) aren't allowed to vote for pieces of fic/art so we need your help in voting and deciding the winner! I give my word that each piece of fic is original and brilliant and very well written, the effort put into these pieces of works is inspiring and deserves to be acknowlged :)

Even if you only have the slightest interest in these pairing (admit it, reading the books you know they were more than just friends!) reading these beautiful stories will fully convert you in to a full blown puppyshipper!

2 more fics are added each day, of various ratings and genres, any comments, votes, or readings are much much appreciated! I promise there'll be a slobbery doggy lick in for you there somewhere if you show interest :)

Much love & thanks- a shameless puppyshipper who is being forced to shamlessly whoare her OTP :)


How was everyone's week? Any fun plans for the weekend? Last weekend I went to london with my best friend Sirius Black and we went to the London International Tattoo Convention. It was very fun and we met Dan Smith from LA Ink *nom noms* ;) Also, it is my dog Pippin's birthday today. Hip Hip Hooray.


Edit: if this is agaisnt mibba's rules, let me know.

1. Will you check out the R/S Games?
2. Favourite Harry Potter pairing?
3. Do you have a dog?
4. Do you read The Hunger Games? (NO SPOILERS!)
5. Do you have a tattoo?
October 2nd, 2010 at 01:09am