URGENT! Judge Needed For Contest D: again....

Sadly I've been having a bit of trouble with my judges for my contest So You Think You Can Write, I've had one drop out and the one I got to replace got too busy to help out (I think D:) and to make it fair I really need four judges to help out!

So if you would like to help out I would much appreciate that, just comment or send me a PM. I would need to look through one or two stories of yours to see if you're up to it, so preferably you have something posted on Mibba :)

Also I might have a season 3 of the contest coming up soon, so if you want me to put your name down to reserve a spot in that you can also comment here too :)

Oh and if accept you as a judge could you please make sure you have enough time set away just to read through a few stories every two weeks-ish and also enough time in the next few days to get some scores in ASAP :)

Check out the link up there if you're still unsure, the first page of the thread is now locked so I can't change it so some details are wrong but yeah :)

Thanks guys, hope someone can help!!
October 2nd, 2010 at 01:14am