Can I Pull Off Blonde...? Suggestions Please.

I kind of want to go blonde. Which is a bit of a drastic change, as I haven't been legit blonde for a really long time.

But I feel like blonde is really just what fits me right now.

I do want your opinions though.


Thats what my hair is now, just with worse roots. I really want to go blonde, but I don't want to damage my hair a lot more.

I think that I'll start gradually lightening my hair until it gets to the shade I really want it to be. But do you guys think I can pull off blonde?

And if any of you guys have any other hair suggestions for me, feel free.

Color's I've Had;

1. Dirty blonde with fire truck red streaks.
2. Purple-red.
3. Red.
4. Red-ish brown.
5. Light brown.
6. Purple (which faded to pink)
7. Dark brown.

So far my favorite is tied between purple-red and dark brown.
October 2nd, 2010 at 02:31am