Living Without His Arms

Ok, so I am almost done with chapter six for my story, Living Without His Arms.
I'm glad I had two amazing friends to help me write it.
THis chapter is longer than the others, and focuses on a part of the story that I'm not sure what to do with.

Here's a glimpse of it:

"I couldn’t decide who to look at, or where to stare to begin this, so I settled for watching my hands, twisting around each other, in my lap. “Tony. Tony. Tony. You can’t hurt me now, you can’t hurt me now,” I murmured this over and over, trying to make myself believe it. I had to believe it if I was going to tell them… Distantly I heard someone murmur “Just give her a minute.”.............. I propped myself up on my left arm, and look right into his eyes, holding them until I noticed him relax, and smile. I looked at him for a moment longer, just looking at, rememorizing the face I’d long ago memorized. The soft baby blue eyes that changed to green depending on his mood, the black hair that always had one lock hanging over his eyes. His soft, full lips that would press softly against mine at first, then kiss me with a passion that would set the world on fire. “Yes, I do. You’re my first love, my true love. I would give anything for you, give you anything, and I hope I have proved that. You will always have my heart, it will forever belong to you.”........."

There, there's something.
October 2nd, 2010 at 02:46am