Friday Nights, Sleepy Eyes, and Story Time!

Do you have a story that you think is absolutely amazing, but, oh dear, you just can't seem to get any comments? Well, as sad as that is, I am here to save the day!

You post your little amazing story down there in the comments you see, and I will go ahead and give you an honest-to-god critique on your story as to whether I like it or not, what you should fix, and what I especially liked about it.

Now, if you don't like what I wrote because you're a Grumpy McGee, you can go ahead and delete my comment, no big deal. No hard feelings. Yada yada yada...

I accept stories of any length, of any genre, of any pairing.

I am a very open-minded person.

If you, on the other hand, prefer me to send you a message so my critique is more private and you don't have a mile long comment in your profile that may or may not even be a good comment, then go ahead and say so in the comments!

This is how I find good stories to read!
October 2nd, 2010 at 03:20am