Barely Anyone Reads The Poems On Mibba Anymore... + Questions...

Barely anyone reads the poems on this website...
I've noticed that the most readers a poem will get is around 5... if your lucky.
I also noticed that the journal section on Mibba is were people get the most comments... I guess cause you can basically write about anything? I dont know.
Also has anyone else noticed that mostly for poems it's just silent readers... it's rare to have over 4 comments.
I dont know if I'm the only one who noticed this but whatever lol

Do you guys just mainly read the journal and story sections on here?
Or what do you enjoy reading?
I used to write alot of poetry but I'm just not in the mood for it anymore.


1.) What do you mostly read on Mibba?
2.) What do you mostly like to write?
3.) Have you ever had writers block?
4.) Tips for writers block??

Anyways it's like 2 in the morning here so I'm going to try to get to sleep...
October 2nd, 2010 at 08:36am