
After a two-year hiatus, I have decided to start playing guitar again. I've been looking up the chords to all my recent favorite songs and saving them on my desktop to learn how to play later. This is so exciting. But anyway, yesterday, I was inspired to re-start this.

We were in my friend Conor's basement and he picked up his guitar. He started to play a song I knew and I sang along. Although he's not amazing, it was nice just listening to him play and watching him. For some reason, I felt...moved, as lame as that sounds. So I picked up his guitar and just started strumming the strings aimlessly, but it felt so nice, you know? I missed the rough strings and cold fret beneath my fingers. It felt right. But I was too embarrassed to play just then in front of everyone, but now I'm back, I think. I really want to be at least.

Who knows how much time I'll have in between all my APs and my friends, but I really want to do this.

So now some questions.

1. Do you play guitar?
2. Do you play any other instrument (singing counts)?
3. What's the first song you learned?
4. What's your favorite song to play?
October 2nd, 2010 at 11:18pm