i've given up hope

If you've ever talking to me before, or read any of my journals, you'd probably know that I have major lung issues. Right now, it's really hurting. I have an appointment on the 19th to see a doctor about getting surgery to see if they can fix it. I highly doubt anything will work, and the reason for this is because no doctor has been able to help me.
I've seen over probably 10 doctors now and no one has any clue as to what is wrong with me. I've pretty much given up all my hope in finding and answer and I think that I am going to have to live the rest of my life with my lung issues, popping, bubbling, pain, shortness or breath and everything else. And, really, I'm so sick of it.
But at least one good thing is that Josh said no matter what happens, he'll stay with me through anything that will happen :) And this makes me happy and even somewhat hopeful. So.. many I haven't given up all my hope, but most of it.
Thank you for reading this, I just really needed to tell someone.
October 3rd, 2010 at 07:05am